18th century dancers

Central Illinois English Country Dancers

What is ECD? Who are we? Our Schedule Our Email List Our Newsletter Dances Our Band FTWK Useful Files Other Links

Welcome to the Central Illinois English Country Dancers' home page

What is English Country Dance?

English Country Dance is the dance form that was popular in England and America in the 1600's, 1700's and early 1800's. It is one of the dance forms from which modern contra and square dance are descended. If you've seen any of the recent Jane Austen movies then you've seen this sort of dance. We also do some early American dances from the Colonial and Revolutionary War eras. Follow this link for more information.

Who are the CIECD?

The Central Illinois English Country Dancers are a group of local dancers who do English Country and Early American dances. We are affiliated with the Country Dance and Song Society. We hold monthly dances at the Mansfield United Methodist Church, 200 East Illinois St., Mansfield, IL. (DIRECTIONS) We may also hold special dances and balls at various times of the year. Our dances are primarily social and recreational. All dances will be taught and we always have live music provided by our band, The Flatland Consort. Partners, costumes and experience are not necessary. Beginners are always welcome. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Some dancers like to dress in period costume at the balls. This can be fun and is encouraged, but is certainly not required. Admission at our regular monthly dance is typically $5.00. There may be a higher admission charge for special events.

CIECD Email List

To receive the latest news on CIECD activities you may want to subscribe to the CIECD email list. We have a Groups.io email list. Visit the list web site or subscribe below. Contact ciecd-list-owner@centralillinoisecd.org if you have any trouble with the list or if you wish to be invited to join the list.

CIECD on Facebook


Join us on our Facebook group

CIECD Schedule For 2025

Most of the dances are at the Mansfield United Methodist Church, 200 East Illinois St., Mansfield, IL. We typically ask for a donation or $5 at our regular dances to help pay for the use of the hall. Special events may have a higher admission price.

January Sunday 19 English Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church
January Sunday 26 Scottish Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church
February Sunday 9 English Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church
February Sunday 23 Scottish Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church
March Sunday 9 English Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church
March Sunday 30 Scottish Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church
April Sunday 13 English Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church
April Sunday 27 Scottish Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church
May Sunday 18 English Country Dance 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Mansfield United Methodist Church

CIECD Newsletter

CIECD Newsletter Back Issues

The Dances We Do

Lists of dances done at previous CIECD Balls

The Flatland Consort

Flatland Consort logo Our band is called The Flatland Consort. There are a wide variety of instruments in the band, from violins and piano, to flute and harp.

If you would like to hire the band to play for your event contact Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans at:




A Dance For Those Who Know

For the past few years we have been experimenting with including one dance at the Ball that is done without any teaching or calling. This is sometimes referred to as "For Those Who Know", that is those people who know the dance, or who are experienced and can easily pick up a new dance can join in. People do this all the time at contra dances and it is also possible to do this with English country dances. We do want to make our dances as inclusive as possible, so we will still be teaching all the rest of the dances at the ball, but it is also enjoyable to occasionally do a dance with no teaching or calling.

We will be doing the dance we have selected at each of our monthly dances this fall and then it will be done without teaching or calling at the Christmas Ball in December. The dance is fairly straightforward and will be quite accessible for anyone with even a modest amount of experience in English country dance.

Lilli Burlero

Duple Proper Longways
A 1's lead down through 2's and cast back to place (1-4),
2's lead up through 1's and cast back to place (5-8)
B1 1st corners trade places (1-2),
2nd corners trade places (3-4),
All fall back a double, then come forward a double turning single (5-8)
B2 Partners trade places passing right shoulders (1-2), [turn back on neighbor, 2's face up, 1's face down]
Neighbors trade places, backing up and passing right shoulders (3-4), [end in original places facing partners across the set]
3 changes of a circular hey, skipping (5-8)
When crossing with partner in B2, the 2nd corner people (2nd gent and 1st lady) should go a bit farther and the 1st corner people (1st gent and 2nd lady) should go a bit less. This will put them in the correct place to back up without colliding with their neighbor.

Videos of some people doing this dance. Be aware that our local styling may be a bit different than that seen in the videos. However, these should give you a feel for how the dance fits the music and some ideas for how to make your own dancing elegant and graceful.

Lilli Burlero Video 1

Lilli Burlero Video 2

Useful Files To Download

Other links of interest

For more information contact

Subscribe to the CIECD email list to receive schedules and special dance announcements.

For a related dance form try contra dance, traditional American country dance, with the Urbana Country Dancers. They do contras and squares which are the dance forms that English country dance evolved into here in America in the late 1700's and early 1800's.

For some additional variety you might want to check out the International Folk Dance Society. They do dances from all over the world.

The Central Illinois English Country Dancers is affiliated with the Urbana Park District and the

CDSS logo  

Country Dance and Song Society

Central Illinois English Country Dancers' web pages are maintained by webmaster@centralillinoisecd.org, last update December 26, 2024